What's in a name? Part 2, Electric Colbertaloo.

Yesterday I tried to infuse some Colbertitude into the Colbertocrat blog with a Stephen Colbert inspired Haiku. Upon investigation by the team at Colbertocrat.com it's clear that the name Colbert appeared in none of the 17 syllables available. No Colbert, no Stephen, not even a silent T.
The Colbertocrat movement is a progressive one. We know that the days of the old media are numbered and the future belongs to the internet nerds, podcasters, and blogging losers. Being revolutionaries, we've decided to take it to the next level. Today, July 13th 2006, we introduce the techno-ku. By harnessing the greatest aspects of the East and West we'll be able to communicate the "good news" of the Colbertocrat ideology to a new generation. In short, it's a Haiku thrown up on the internet.
Enjoy this Colbertcentric techno-ku. We think it will fix the mistakes of yesterday's Haiku as well as appeal to the underserved "Urban" market.
He loves black people
His show is off the chiz-ains
Stephen Colbert, Dawg
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