Mary in a tree

Last week I made an offering to god. It wasn't a virgin, incense or my life long devotion but something genuinely useful, my suggestions for improving his image. As he often does, god failed to heed my advice and instead opted to use a shadowy image imprinted on a common object to rouse the spirits of his believers. This time it's an image of the Virgin Mary on the branch of a maple tree. Story here.
God issues aside, this story makes me angry. I'm not anti-religion but I hate the fact that they've got a monopoly on these kinds of human interest stories. If I called the newspaper and said I saw a link to the Colbertocrat Blog in an egg McMuffin they call me a jerk wad then hang up the phone. But if I called and said the Virgin Mary was flashing a peace sign in that same egg McMuffin I'd have a reporter at my house within the hour.
It's not fair. Everyone knows about god but very few people know about the Colbertocrat Blog, or the Stephen Colbert Must Run For President Petition. The Colbertocrat movement was created as a quasi-political movement but maybe a quasi-religion would make more sense. Tax exempt status is mighty tempting. Either way brothers and sisters, do your part to spread the good word. Peace be with you.
Amen brother! If the story of Jesus traveled as fast as it did in the age of the camel imagine how far and wide the story of Colbert can travel in the age of technological wonder that we live in.
I hereby vow to tell at least 10 people about the movement!
Interesting point on the Jesus camel thing. I think we've found an example where WWJD doesn't work. Camel mail doesn't have many applications in modern society. I guess I'll just stick to this Internet thing. Sorry Jesus.
You are forgetting the obvious advantage of riding around on a camel all day my friends, every one gets to say HUMP all day long with no fear of embarassment or reprisal.
viva la HUMP!!
You're right yasodic. If you want to say hump all day you either have to ride a camel or be a member of the Black Eyed Peas. I'd rather ride a camel.
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