My wife has had an idea for a while to take pictures of fruit dressed up like people. As a heterosexual man I naturally thought she'd sustained a head injury. But like the "colbertocrat" doppelganger incident from a few weeks ago, the Internet has once again proven that it's impossible to be original.
While cruising an automotive enthusiast website I saw this.
The image was the signature for one of the members on the message board. It raises a few interesting points.
1. My wife may have been on to something. The highly expressive faces on the fruit make it hard to think of them as just inanimate objects. If done well, the concept of humanizing fruit seems works.
2. If this kind of art goes mainstream an entire generation may give up eating their fruits and vegetables. With vegetarianism on the rise, kids may be similarly motivated to give up fruit. Our nations "5 a day" campaign with have been for naught.
3. I'm a bigger pansy than I thought. Looking at the cartoon, my heart really goes out for Orange. He's probably friends with Banana and to come home to this, it's got to be devastating. Almost as devastating as watching your masculinity evaporate before your eyes.
That banana is all man baby.
Your dream came true, how excited are you? You better join the campaign and help Stephen save the nation!
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