
I rarely get worked up over assaults against my honor. Living a good life and slashing my enemies tires is plenty vengeful for me. However, a situation has come up that has raised my ire, and my ire is plenty mean when fully raised. Hence the angry banana.
Read the following:
"Whenever *I've* just seen my new critically acclaimed runaway hit show on Comedy Central lose an arguably increasingly irrelevant industry award to a so-called pop icon that is a parody of his laughable self, what is the first word that comes to *my* mind? Haiku."
The above was met with:
"Colbertocrat, if the Colbert Report is hiring, you should apply. Those haiku's are definitely Stephen-worthy."
Everything seems in order, right. Libertastic, the original Colbertocrat, is receiving accolades from his flock. Wrong! I didn't write that at all. At least not on August 28th, the day it was posted on the Colbert Nation message board. Link here. I did write an entry to the Colbertocrat Blog on July 12, 2006 titled "What's in a name?" where I unveiled the concept of a Colbert Inspired Haiku.
So what's the deal? Here are the facts.
1. Someone is posting using the name Colbertocrat. I post under the name Libertastic (I like to exude a constant air of Liberty). Either they really like or really hate
2. Someone is clearly reading this blog then posting its ideas as their own.
3. What I write is so entertaining that when stolen the bits still work.
4. Even if the impostor does build a following online using the Colbertocrat moniker, all roads lead back to here, Thanks for the free publicity!
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