
Nelson. The name brings to mind two things.
1st. Nelson Muntz. The animated character responsible for making "ha, ha" an appropriate reaction when your friend gets hit in the nuts.
2nd. Nelson, the band led by two wussy guys with long blond hair.
Let's focus on the band. When their song "love and affection" came out I liked it, a lot. Shortly there after, grunge came along to push Nelson back into the shadows. Just in time too, god knows what kind of "lifestyle" I might be enjoying had Nelson become a staple of my CD collection.
Here we are more than a decade after they disappeared into obscurity and I'll be damned if Nelson hasn't resurfaced. Click here. Yes, I know they appeared on VH1 not that long ago. Appearing on a network who's biggest star is Michael Ian Black doesn't count as a comeback.
If Nelson can find a reason to perform again maybe we'll see the reemergence of other early 90s flash in the pan rockers. How about Radiohead, there song "creep" was pretty good, whatever became of them?
Benson...thats all just Benson.
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