
You've likely noticed a precipitous drop off in posts here at the Colbertocrat Blog. It's for good reason, I'm now producing and appearing in a podcast. Between writing the music, producing the commercial, manning the RSS feed generator and actively tamping down my ever swelling ego I simply don't have time to keep this blog fresh.
If you enjoyed the Colbertocrat Blog, take heart, I've redirected all of my creative energy into this new project and it shows. The podcast is called Hudson and Gaines and it is, by a large margin, the best project I've ever been a part of. Seriously!
It is a talk show based in the fictional town of Great Haven. I could give you some mishmash description sighting Christopher Guest movies or Firesign Theater as inspiration but I'd rather you just listen. Here's the link http://feeds.feedburner.com/hudsonandgaines . As always, you can contact me with questions, comments or hate mail.
This isn't the end of the Colbertocrat Blog, there will be more someday. But for now, Hudson and Gaines needs me and you need Hudson and Gaines. By extension that means you need me and I won't let you down.
You are the best real-fake radio producer on Earth.
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