1. Axle
2. Mick
3. Dave

The Foley's had a good thing going and then this douche bag came along and ruined things for them. His name is Mark Foley. He was a representative from the state of Florida until today when transcripts of several instant message exchanges between him and underage children appeared on the news wire. As you might guess they were highly sexual in nature.
Soliciting sex from minors is bad and the law will deal with him accordingly but who will seek justice for the non-perverted Foley's? Their ultra cool persona's have been soiled by the lame IMs of a congressman.
Example 1. (Maf54 is Mark Foley)
Maf54: Do I make you a little horny?
Teen: A little.
Maf54: Cool.
Seriously, what self respecting Foley would respond with "cool" when they only made the teen on the other end of the Internet a little horny. Remember this about Libertastic, if I ever went out on a date with you and said you made me "a little horny" I was tactfully telling you that you were repulsive.
Example 2.
Xxxxxxxxx (7:37:52 PM): i didnt no waltzing could make you sore
Maf54 (7:38:04 PM): from what
Xxxxxxxxx (7:38:34 PM): what do you mean from what
Xxxxxxxxx (7:38:42 PM): from sore from waltzing
Uhhh. Even with the 3rd grade English I could tell the teen was sore from waltzing. I certainly hope Foley was on drugs in this portion of the transcript. Other wise he really comes off as a dumb ass.
Example 3.
Maf54 (8:03:47 PM): what you wearing
Xxxxxxxxx (8:04:09 PM): tshirt and shorts
Maf54 (8:04:58 PM): love to slip them off of you
Xxxxxxxxx (8:05:08 PM): haha
Maf54 (8:05:53 PM): and gram the one eyed snake
Maf54 (8:06:13 PM): grab
Xxxxxxxxx (8:06:53 PM): not tonight...dont get to excited
Maf54 (8:07:12 PM): well your hard
Shocking. Just look at the terrible grammar. Honestly, using "your" instead of the proper "you're". What is this the stone age. And another th...........oh MY GOD !! Was he chatting with a dude? Look, I embrace and accept all types of lifestyles, for some reason him hitting on boys makes this whole scenario 10 times creepier.
That's it, the Foley name is no longer cool. The blow may be lessened because the Foley's above peaked in the 80's or 90's but it's still a tragedy. As a service to the Foley's I'd like to volunteer Libertastic as a replacement for their last name. Actually, Axl Libertastic sounds pretty sweet. Maybe some good can come out of this situation after all. Thanks representative Mark Foley! Ya perv.