Success rarely comes about because of one person. There's usually a crack squad of success oriented commandos shooting and karate chopping their way to a specific goal. The Colbertocrat movement is no different. Since our inception,
www.colbertocrat.com has depended on the kindness of strangers. We've also depended on the help of friends but mentioning them in the previous sentence would have ruined a perfectly good movie reference. Let's see, who's more important, friends or a generic reference to Gone with the Wind? The choice is clear.
So, in no particular order (other than importance) here are the people/entities I need to thank for making
www.colbertocrat.com such a huge success.
1. God.
He never once interfered with my plan to set up a
Stephen Colbert for President online petition. I'm not sure if his lack of involvement is a sign that he approves of the site or that he simply doesn't exist. Either way, he didn't stop me and that took Colballz.
2. My wife.
Her endless stream of encouragement proves that love is indeed blind. Granted I've had my fair share of reasonably entertaining posts but I really should be doing something of substance. Instead my wife chuckles politely as she inspects my blog entries and does her part to drive traffic. I'm sure in the back of her mind she knows it's a waste of time. I can't wait for the Google ads check to arrive so I can show her that I've made something of myself. I'm going to spend at least half of the $8.76 on her.
3. TMZ.com
In between covering Paris Hilton's eating habits and Mel Gibson's "Jew Bash 2006"
TMZ.com (a wholly owned subsidiary of AOL TimeWarner) wrote a story about Stephen Colbert's now classic 10 commandments interview with Congressman Lynn Westmoreland. Click
here to watch. The article included a link to the Colbertocrat website and I've been bathing in the added web traffic ever since. Thanks TMZ!
4. Craig Gaines from
http://rocketfever.blogspot.com/He's a riddle, wrapped in an enigma, wrapped in $120 blue jeans. How is it that a man who wields the English language like a long sword, spews wit and charm like a sulfur mine spews stank, and hasn't had half of his face burned off still can't find a girlfriend? More confusing is why he added a link to this crappy blog. Maybe it's because we're friends. Maybe it's because he sees a goodness lurking just beneath the gruff exterior of the Colbertocrat blog. Or maybe it's because I have pictures of him at Medieval times that he doesn't want publicly displayed. Who knows. For now Gaines remains a mystery.
5. Finally, everyone important enough to list but not important enough to write something clever about. It's like Gilligan's Island theme when they skip the Professor and Mary Ann and sing "and the rest".